Indian Young Professionals Scheme

The India Young Professionals Scheme visa is a unique opportunity for Indian citizens aged 18 to 30 to experience life and work in the UK for up to 2 years. This visa is aimed at fostering cultural exchange and professional development, providing young professionals with the chance to gain international work experience and explore the UK.

Basic Requirements

    You must be an Indian citizen

    You must be aged between 18 and 30 years old

    You must possess a bachelor's degree or higher qualification

    An equivalent qualification at level 6, 7 or 8 is acceptable

    You must have at least £2,530 in savings

    You must be selected in the Indian Young Professionals Scheme ballot before applying


    You must have enough funds to cover the savings requirement, and fees

    Application298 GBP
    Healthcare1,552 GBP
    Savings2,530 GBP
    Total4,380 GBP

    You are allowed to study

    For some courses you will need to obtain an Academic Technology Approval Scheme certificate

    You will not have access to public funds

    You cannot include family members in the application

    You cannot work as a professional sportsperson

Application Process

    You must be selected in the India Young Professionals Scheme ballot

    Your must complete your application online

    You require a valid passport or identity document

    Your identity document must prove who you are and show your nationality. An identity check will be completed through a visa application centre, in person, or via the UK Immigration: ID Check application

    You require a bank statement showing that you have savings mentioned in the Costs section

    You need to have had the money available for at least 28 days in a row, prior to making an application

    You require evidence of your completed qualification

    You might require a tuberculosis test result

    Those who are in India or applicable countries at time of the application will have to be tested

    You require a police clearance certificate from India

    A decision is typically made within 3 weeks of application submission




20th February 2024