February 22, 2024
Why should you work abroad?
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Exploring the world has always been something of interest to me, and I have always felt it stagnating to stay in one place. The thought of living in the same country, or even area for the entirety of my life is not something I feel comfortable with, and I seemingly have an innate drive to go out, explore and achieve something. I firmly believe that being in an unfamiliar environment is an accelerator in both personal and professional growth. For me personally, I have the feeling (and experience) that pushing oneself into new environments forces you to grow. Not only are you forced to switch up your daily routine, but you're forced to diversify your perspective on the world, and open up to see how others experience life. I want to create a resource and a community for those who are considering to explore more of the world, much like I have, and this is precisely what I aim to do with Visamatch. There is decreasingly less freedom of movement across the world, and in order to experience more of it, for any reasonable length of time, you have to be "eligible". Searching the internet you'll surely find a plethora of information, ranging from official government sources, to independent websites. With Visamatch, I aim to be a single resource for a number of different visa pathways and schemes, exposing precisely what options are available across the world, and providing users with clear and concise information about what visas are available and what are the requirements, costs, considerations and what to expect from an application. When I have been conducting my own research about where I would like to go to next, I often find myself creating extensive notes about several countries/pathways, and I would have liked to have had a single resource that I can rely on that gives me clear information about exactly what I need to have, and what I need to do in order to realize my ideas. For now, I am largely focused on providing information about work visas targeted towards youth mobility and international experience, and this is because I believe that these schemes are a perfect opportunity for people to go out for a couple of years and experience life in another country, without much risk. In some cases these visas can even lead to more permanent opportunities, but at the very least, taking time out to experience what life is like somewhere else, is an unmitigated experience. It is no secret that this project is in incredibly active development, and as I am writing this post, I am deep in the development of many new features and updating the site with many new guides. Having said that, I am always looking for feedback about absolutely everything, and if you have even the remotest form of feedback, I implore you to reach out and let me know what you think. That's all for now.